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Alimasi Anzuruni
I don't understand what Bembe are saying about the Tutsi in Congo. They should now return to their countries. we had enough. We don't need any or them including ambassador of Rwanda in Congo, Laurent Mkunda. It is time to rebuild our country and we need freedom especially in Fizi,my home town.
Lulobi why didi you say tutsi rebellion is welcome why do we need or want or wish that in our own country? No man they have tostay out of our territory if they want fight otherwise the so called banyarwanda have to keep peace with us If they want to stay where they were and to subjugate to the laws and rules of our country
I just want to respond to Luloli I don't know why he said we can welcome nkunda and his rebellion wht hell are talking about are you ours or you are an intruder in our web? M'mbondo wakyula tanatenda byatend'o'obe ou bien je n'ai pas saisi ton message je demanerai pardon,mais je vois très bien ce que j'ai lu is outrageous , i am asking to give us m'mbondo the reason why you said so.your comment is very strong and intriguing.
Je salue le reveil du d'une force longtemps endormie par le virus de "Lushi" et de "Kyekye" qui commence a etre endigue par une revolution mentale nessante. Ajoutee a notre competence guerriere d'une generation a une autre, la revolution intellectuelle qui s'annonce a l'horison du temps, necessitent la sauvegarde des valeurs morales et culturelles ainsi que la mise en pratique des connaissances scientifiques modernes pour un developement integral de notre peuple et son territoire.
Saleh Kayumba
Cher promoteur du site,
C'est avec un réel plaisir que je viens de découvrir ce site. Je suis de ces enfants de FIZI qui sont nés et grandi ailleurs et qui ne connaissent pas assez de FIZI. C'est une énorme opportunité de partager les infos de FIZI avec d'autres frères. Pourqu'un jour Fizi soit grand, je pense qu'll est urgent d'élaborer un plan sur le développement de FIZI. Peut-etre il en existe un ou plusieurs, mon idée c'est vulgariser le plan ou des plans existants, les actualiser en fonction du contexte, mobiliser les ressources et étudier les modalités pratique de sa mise en oeuvre, exécuter ce plan, assurer le suivi et l'évaluation périodique. Pour cela, je pense que nos frères qui sont sur place ont un grand role à jouer dans ce processus. Je pense surtout à la société civile, aux eglises locales, aux notables, aux animateurs des ONG, aux responsables administratfs et à toutes les forces vives. Ce site publierait ce plan de développement pour son amendement par exemple.
nice idea man.
so what can we do to accomplish our goal on fizi development?
hello bembe community, i am not talking about the politics rather. i want to tell you that Fizi must more development of things like school, hospitals, road, transportation, university. i want Fizien (babembe of people)polices and armies, navy, air force potection of fizi and whole congolese of Democratic Republic of Congo. Fizi is pretty territory.
number one is polices and army, navy, air forces
number two is fizi development
number three is fizi protection of bembe community.
number four is safe and obey Democratic republic of congo consitution. be unity
you still talking about politics rather than talking about the development of FIZI.
let think how we can help schools, hospitals.
hello babembe community. i want to tell you something about democratic republic of congo. i am reviewing the congo. i need foreigners soldiers to leave congo. president need to focus solve problems on congo citizens. but i know that President held foreginers soldiers from Angola and Zimbabwe inside palace and Tutsi rebellion held foreigners soldiers from Rwanda to support Nkunda. D R congo is very weak since fall of Mobutu. i don't like Joseph Kabila but i respect Congo citizens vote him.
hello everyone bembe community. today i realized to see congo news. tutsi purpose to grab and extend territories for defend gold, mine, mineral. i know that d r congo goverment failed to protect congolese people. i need killer hutu from rwanda should be back rwanda. tutsi rebellion are welcomed but they dont need to cut in extand territories.