Livre d'or d'une louve au combat

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HELLO dear jenny just 2 words to wish you and to all yr dear family a blessing sunday with love alenalenalahelen family and friends
alena lenala helen
GOOD MORNING my dear JENNY tks a lot for EVERYTHING you are doing e a c h day for all of us with love to you- your dear childrens and to all yr loved ones have a blessing day alena lenalahelen family and friends
hello dear JENNY as usual i want to THANK YOU for all yr good advices and for SO SO MANY informations you are ALWAYS giving to ALL OF US
with love lena la
hello my dear JENNY TKS A LOT FOR ALL YR GOOD ADVICES with love alenalenalahelen family and friends
HELLO my dear JENNY how are you just two words to wish you a lovely day and to THANK YOU for all yr good advices and informations AS USUAL and tks as well your kindness -many gr to all yr dear family with love alenalenalahelen family and friends
GOOD MORNING my dear JENNY as usual you are always giving good advices and i want to thank you once again for all of them - have a lovely day with love alenalenalahelen family and friends
bonjour de marseille ,merci Jenny pour tout ce que vous faites cela aide à tenir le coup ,amitiés Josette
hello dear JENNY as usual you are always given to ALL OF us lot s of good advices and informations wishing to you and to all your dear family a blessing sunday with love alenalenalahelen family and friends
josette boulet
bonjour et merci Jenny pour le travail que vous faites ,je suis fibromyalgique ,je dois consulter le dr Piano a la Timone le 23 juillet ,j'ai eu des perfusions de ketamine en mars 2013 à la phoceanne .
alena lenalahelen
good morning my dear jenny how are you tks ever so much for all yr good advices and informations AS USUAL wishing you a blessing day with love alenalenalahelen family and friends