Hi! I'm a big fan of Carolina since the competition in Helsinki. It was a great fight, especially the 800 metres! And the 7 photos by Jason bell are beautiful!
Your fan Martin From Germany
30-08-2005 12:39:00
You are the best athlete in the world!
Antti, from Finland
29-08-2005 18:44:00
Hi, Carolina! Jag kan tala lite svenska... men/but I prefer better english I was watching the athletics yesterday from TV. You were stunning until something bad happened. You were injured! Hurdles... damn hurdles! Your thing was stretched out. Why it couldn't be anyone else whose thing would have been stretched out?! Why the God even consider to chose you? If I had been a God, I would have chosen even my home country athlete to be injured rather than you... It wasn't easy to look when you were suffering there in Göteborg... But anyway, I hope that you will recover your injury very soon and to be back at the highest positions. Cos' you have earned the title of Queen at racetracks. Bye, bye now...
gabi from germany
28-08-2005 21:31:00
Hi Carro,
I`m one of the biggest fan from you!!!
It will be very nice if you can send me autograph with a pikture from you!!
thank you very much.
here my adress:
Gabi Wolfarth
Am Forellenbach 11
74676 Niedernhall
27-08-2005 12:00:00
Hi Carro!!
You're simply the best!
Ciao stella!
24-08-2005 22:26:00
She's beautifull I love Carro ! ! !
20-08-2005 22:23:00
Jag blev så rörd när jag såg dig stå där uppe högst på prispallen i Helsingfors och sjöng med i nationalsången "Du gamla du fria du fjällhöga nord". Detta vill vi se igen! Och att du är så trevlig och sympatisk i TV-intervjuer gör att du är en perfekt förebild för ungdomar i Sverig./Mange
20-08-2005 22:04:00
I will write at our own language (swedish) from now: Carro, du är helt fantastisk som kan komma igen efter att ligga under poängmässigt. Att ha den psykiska styrkan, särskilt när din fot inte var helt frisk. Hoppas det går bra i alla tävlingar i fortsättningen. Jag ska jubla nästa gång du vinner/ Nina
martin siebelist
20-08-2005 20:37:00
Dear Carolina,
congratulations, for your gold medal in Helsinki.
I am a german athlet born in Lisbon 1944(lived there until I was 19) then I went to Germany, and now since 1967 I´m living in Madrid. As a young athlete I did Decathlon, and in 1968 I was able to do 7.115 points. That was still on a ash track. Obviously that´s not very much comparing with recent results in Decathlon, but I was able to be spanish champion in 69. Actually I´m still training, and I´m a coach for 400 m runners, and I also train a professional Golf Player. Now muy real purpose: I read on a spanish newspaper that you are in a program of the IAAF called: Athletes for a better word, and I¨m very interested to help you in that program if it is possible: As I speak 5 languages:german, spanish, portuguese, english and french, maybe I can be usefull in some way.
So please contact me: msiebelist@hayoo.es: I would be very glad to hear from you. Thanks a lot in advance. Until soon, receive my best regards. Martin
17-08-2005 01:15:00
hey carolina!
since your challenge in helsinki i`m great fan of you. not only because you are a very great sport star, also because of your sympathic appearence and your way of being happy and your laughing i`m tinking about visiting you on your next great contest.... your fan peter