Livre d'or David Tennant Doctor Who.

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callenaere anne sop
la serie ne sera plus pareille sans toi é_è tu resteras pour moi le meilleur des docteur
the serie not very same withless you é_è
you stay the best of doctor for me
Un grand merci à un grand acteur qui parfaitement joué le rôle du docteur. Beaucoup de rire et d'émotion.
Il sera dur de faire aussi bien pour les successeurs.
Thanks a lot for being THE doctor for the last five years, and brought us so much fun and excitement all this time ! *bow*
For THE Doctor thanks for becoming the best doctor who and thanks for your work. You're a great actor, good luck for the future.
from agnes corrigan
From Hamlet to Doctor Who you are one of those actors we can't forget!!
Can't wait to see what's next.. Keep up your brilliant work David
Agnes Corrigan
you will miss us a lot.
You're ... well... Brilliant
But there's a life after the good Doctor, keep acting the way you do.
De Jesus
Au seul et unique Doctor pour moi!!
A un acteur qui a su autant me faire rire que pleurer...
Que ta carrière soit toujours au top!!!!
A chapter of Doctor Who that ends. We will never forget the 10th Doctor, the best of all !! Keep acting like you do David, you're a great actor and we love you !