144 messages   
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I love your photos! Site design is very nice. You're very talented. Keep it up Hugs from Poland, I wish I visited France once! xoxo
Ohai there. <3
Lovely pictures you got there, keep it up. <3
I love your new site! It's beautiful and I can't wait until you become the next big fashion photographer :)
Charles Subritzky
You're an amazing photography, an astonishing friend and an even better French tutor, you're AMAZING!
I love your new site Alexandra! Tres bien. Je l'aime beaucoup. Sophie X
Aline C.
Coucou ma belle .
J'apprécie toujours autant voir tes photos. Elles sont magnifiques et elles appaisent, reposent, nous transmettent dans un monde à part : le tien.
J'aime beaucoup.
Toutes mes félicitations !
Ohh your site is so wonderful! The pictures are so beautiful! I hope you continue! i'm realy speachless
Hey Alexandra/Supermalade! It's mysticbubblesz from deviantart, just checking out your website, it's beautiful! I love the categories of your photos, the whole layout of the site is great. I wish you the best of luck in your career and let me know if I can write something for your book! Your photos are definitely inspirational to both the heart and the imagination.
C'est Magnifique, grandiose... Beaucoup de courage (tu n'as pas besoin de chance :)pour la suite! Awesome art demoiselle...
Your website looks amazing, I think my favorite is the portrait series, maybe the No Face series, I can't decide!!Can't wait to see more of your work.